Prof Fiona Walter

Co-Principal Investigator

Prof Fiona Walter

Fiona is Director of the Wolfson Institute of Population Health (WIPH), one of six Institutes at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)’s Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. The WIPH has five centres, and Fiona also co-leads the Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Unit with Prof Stephen Duffy in the Centre for Prevention, Detection and Diagnosis.  Until March 2021, she led the Cancer group in the University of Cambridge’s Primary Care Unit, Department of Public Health and Primary Care. Across both groups, our objective is to deliver world-class research focusing on developing and evaluating new diagnostics and diagnostic approaches to all aspects of prevention, early detection and diagnosis of cancer in primary care, plus applying these in low-resource settings. Fiona’s research expertise lies across the primary care research spectrum and includes randomised controlled trials, cohort studies and systematic reviews; she has a particular interest in patient experiences and qualitative and mixed methods approaches.

Follow Fiona on Twitter @fmw22


Queen Mary University of London, UK

Areas of Expertise

Professor of Primary Care Research




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